I won't bore you here with facts on crabs, but I've come to read and see how they are purposed on the the earth just like any other person, place and thing. I think about the significance they can personally bring to our lives on a level that is just merely us or merely them alone.
Some of the positives attributes I gain on learning from them are the fact that they mainly survive for the good of their family, providing protection above all. Negatively however they are known scavengers and will pick at to eat anything that they come across, sometimes to the detriment of themselves or ultimately to the detriment of an ecosystems; depleting the qualities that can help an environment to grow especially in the event of over-population.
What's interesting to note is the Latin term for Crab is Cancer, which on an obvious level is one of the man-made astrological signs to those born under the a Zodiac sign, but further more provides the root words for the English termed malignant disease "Cancer" and for the Greek term "Canker" which was coined by Hippocrates, a Greek medical expert in his time who coined the term as the disease itself resembled a crab-like image.
I don't see the literal benefits of crabs (other than that they are good to eat and taste good "yum!") and on the opposite side, the dangers of them to us on a physical level (other than that they pinch and bite, and that hurts! "ouch"! cause some to be allergic...). I know crabs are created by God and as stated before they purposed. However on a deeper level what is the symbol they can represent in our own lives?
Let me explain without rambling to a point of where I will lose you...
I notice the hardened outer shell on crabs, how they aid in protecting and for arming from predators, elements and the pressures that varying water levels can bring. This fact alone reveals the vast types of crabs and how the ways of evolution and natural selection can bring about their varying colors, shapes, sizes, leg lengths, body structure and shell densities. The protective defense purposes of the claws... And also in how they cast off their shells for new ones, become temporarily soft, and hide to regenerate... all for the quintessential way of growing.
I've come to understand through this, that we should have our times to be like crabs in some respects. There is purpose in putting on the armor to protect us from the elements, from people who would potentially hurt us, not to become prey and vulnerable to the things around us. This armor, these claws serves as our benefit and protection and as a humankind we should begin to represent the parallel likenesses of crabs to the degrees in which I have described above.
There is a time for us to grow, which cases we must shed our old ways, our old shell. Then the hardest part rests in the being naked without it. We get soft and vulnerable, some of us die in such vulnerabilities but realize that this too is for an ultimate reason; the pain, the uncertainty. Even in this phase our claws also serve no purpose. This is the place where we should hide, bury ourselves and prepare ourselves for the next phase in life. Though it may be tough, look forward to the regeneration. This is the part where our faith is tried the most, and where we are soft and weak and subject to things that harm us, know that God stands in the place of our shell. Through this HE protects us.
Now know that as we grow through the ups and downs of weakness and strength that our armor becomes thicker, denser. Is is then purposed for us to go into the deeper waters and not be killed by the pressure and the unknown creatures that lurk. With our shell we are able to withstand the trials better than we were able to do when we were smaller, or when our shells were thinner.
These are the ways of the crab that I can relate to in my own life, I strive to be strong but also I realize my limitations, the times where I'm weak and ultimately I know that I serve a God that can stand in the gap of such things.
Sometimes even the parallel nature of the crab reveals the nature of our own shortcomings. Let us not become that famous coined term "crabby". This is where we snip and pinch at everything and everyone around us... sometimes without just cause...
Yes yes... while our shells serve as the purpose of protecting they can also reveal the realization of self-imposed prisons behind our own guarding. Without reserve they mirror how we can become hardened and rigid in our ways when we don't give in the time to just CAST it off! We see the fruit of bitterness revealed even on this tangible level and much like the malignant disease of Cancer, our crab-like ways can be the death of us.
It was never intended for us to stay locked within ourselves, buried under the figurative mud from the rest of the world. In this respect come out from your shell, but stay guarded. I know... such an oxymoron. But perhaps it isn't really!
Much like the attributing nature of crabs let us give of ourselves while maintaining our guard. Stay out of the deep unknown places that we ourselves can't handle, unless we are well equipped and ready. Allow ourselves a healthy time to regenerate in our hurts and vulnerabilities, times of growth. Let's be consistent in our life phases... skipping is not really an option. Is it? Let's be the crabs, err... I mean people we were structured and meant to be throughout!
If your curious about the real life ways of crabs, go here --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab Otherwise enjoy the rest of your day!
Ephesians 6:10-18
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
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Found my typo... "You're"... Not "your"